the Kansas - Oregon trail

we're not in los angeles anymore...

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Location: Portland, OR, United States

Saturday, February 18, 2006

frozen water & rock skipping lords

ruca is in heaven in the biggest off-leash dog park i've ever seen. as far as you can see - full of rivers and trees and meadows. it's amazing. last night was into the 10-20 below range and all of the water was frozen on the ponds and rivers. ruca had never seen that. she found a friend in a little dog named lizzie that kept falling through the ice. ruca didn't. maybe she is smart after all.

found some impromptu rock skipping buddies. i saw one guy trying to pull some tricks and we decided that the real test would be to skip one up the little falls. we both made it eventually. good skippers, though. we started getting silly with, "two skips, onto the ice, two skips on the other side and into the water" kinds of attempts. pretty fun.

full throttle freaking out. she is so happy running down these paths.

sunset in the trees. it's getting cold out.

clinton lake at sunset.


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