the Kansas - Oregon trail

we're not in los angeles anymore...

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Location: Portland, OR, United States

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Sanity break


Today we were informed that a movie we were interested in seeing had just arrived to the Liberty Hall, a great downtown Lawrence landmark that plays the art films and is also a great rock and roll venue. Mick Cottin asked us if we wanted a private viewing before the theater opened so we could see it and not have to worry about the baby screaming and making a fuss in public. It was so nice and it probably doesn't occur to him how cool that was. He's that nice of a guy.

ticket for one.

let the show begin! the film was amazing. It was titled, "Half Nelson". It was a huge stretch for me to relate. It was about a drug addict teacher in the inner city who grows disillusioned. It was really nice to see it played so empathetically and not cartoonish and silly. Great acting. it was hard to watch for me, but good all the same. Go see it.

on a lighter note, this is David Sedaris. You'll have to take my word for it, I suppose. He was hysterical. I wasn't sure how funny it would be to see him read his own stuff - even though I enjoy him immensely on This American Life - and I laughed through the whole thing. Perfect. Also our first time with a "babysitter", Linda took great care of Violet. All in all a sanity day sponsored by the Cottin's. Thank you.

These two fine gentlemen made this evening possible. They are responsible for the performing arts center funding - and everything about this couple just screams "Party", Kansas style, if you ask me.



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