the Kansas - Oregon trail

we're not in los angeles anymore...

My Photo
Location: Portland, OR, United States

Sunday, January 28, 2007

pictures of violet



Tuesday, January 23, 2007

derek and taylor and real snow


my good friend derek was in town this weekend, he brought a lot of laughs and his girlfriend taylor. they were a lot of fun in the snow storm. he is the guest photographer for this installation of the blog. he's good.

taylor playing with ruca.

we went into Kansas City for lunch and it started coming down.

we didn't go here, but will return. the sign that we didn't catch says, "eat it and beat it". that's right.

hanging out with my love outside the coffee shop.

the ride home wasn't much fun. tensions ran high and visiblity was low but we got home driving 35-40 mph. the joys of weather.

they're off into Oklahoma and Arkansas to the Ozarks right now.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007



It's cold out. Below 0 when I wake up. This is more like ice than snow, but it looks good. Isn't that what's important?

It doesn't seem to bother this one, one bit...

Visions of the future...


Sunday, January 14, 2007

coldfire and our one year anniversary as Kansans


That is Kurt Porter. We used to make a short-lived but fun, cable-access program together in the early nineties. It was called "By the Banks of the Mighty Santa Ana" and it documented the local music scene in Costa Mesa, CA.

Flight time.


there's this barn on the way home that I've always wanted to stop at and take a picture...

and now I have.

these fine ladies and gentlemen are just across the street from said barn.

This place we stumbled across is from 1870. There is a large stone above the door that says that. The stone fence below is from around 1860 from the westward expansion. The Santa Fe, California and Oregon trails all passed right through here.

It's been really cold for the last few days out here.

The two specs up in the tree are bald eagles. you'll have to take my word for it. they are beautiful. We've been here a year, as of two days ago, and have not seen any of them until now and then we saw three. Kurt must bring good luck.

We warmed up last night by the fire. There was a christmas tree burn up at some friend's of friends' house in the country.


Sunday, January 07, 2007

new friends



Thursday, January 04, 2007

squat, stand lakers mom


doing her best interpretation of an old man - pants up to her chin.

almost standing... well leaning, really.

lakers girl.



Monday, January 01, 2007

prospero ano y felicidad


what is there to say? this is the most amazing thing to happen in 2006.

that and our marriage. the rest is gravy.

went for a walk around the campus with the dog and baby. clearing the head for the new year. beautiful day. best to all in the new year.
