the Kansas - Oregon trail

we're not in los angeles anymore...

My Photo
Location: Portland, OR, United States

Friday, June 30, 2006

angeleno paint and design


going back to los angeles, this was the first time that i felt like i lived somewhere else. it has been home for a long time. i feel and felt comfortable there, but the physical removal is creating a mental distance.

the best tacos in atwater village... miss them in kansas.

i love the different styles of art on all the walls.

this is john klein. i've been staying at his home when i come back. the best part about coming home is that it's good to see old friends. we walk by this house on the way to the back door bakery to get breakfast in the morning.


Monday, June 26, 2006

re:Active magazine launch


Inside there's an article on dr. Walkerreaderman of Silverlake fame and he was interested in owning a copy of the mag.

Saturday night at the Echo Park film Center where the magazine classes were taught. I love this place. Feels like my old home in SF. Paolo and Lisa and Ken are the best.

my family showed up - including my half-sister Alison - potentially a future contestant.

the new school...

... and the old school showed up.

Dan and Hunter. Both fine gentlemen.

a good time had by one and all. if you need a magazine, you might have to wait a minute as they're on the slow boat. contact me, though or check for updates on the website @


Sunday, June 18, 2006

bike ride down by the Kaw river


my new favorite weekend morning thing. 12-15 miles along the river. really lush and open.

we'll see how long it lasts...


Friday, June 16, 2006

KS driver's license


it's temporary but official.

enough said.


Thursday, June 15, 2006

home in spring


This is what the house looks like in late spring/early summer. It's completely different with the seasons. News to a California couple. The fireflys are my favorite thing right now.

If we've talked on the phone recently, this is probably where I've been sitting - on the porch.

Our dining room/sun room thing. I love this room.

This is the state of the kitchen for those of you who've asked. It is going to get some cabinet doors pretty soon. I'd recommend the open door policy for the first couple of weeks when you move into a new place because you spend less time opening doors fruitlessly. I think it looks alright as well.

Lying on the bed, looking out the window...

...and the backyard through the kitchen window.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Hunting for critters and art


This last weekend was my woman's birthday and we did 'er up in style. Took the truck to to Cabela's - the world's foremost hunting outfitter.

This place was insane. It had a walkthrough aquarium, museum of shot things, and lots of of guns and accessories.

We went looking for outfits for Violet.

Can't get 'em started too early with the firearms.

...and a little fashion for armageddon in the wilderness.

One of the big Kansas City Museum's held some art that made me right at home.

Wendy got to feel a really big Shuttlecock.

Then we went to the Kansas City Train Station. It is supposedly the biggest in the country besides Chicago's. More freight comes through here and more passengers through Chicago is what I was told. I believe 'em.

Happy Birthday, my love!


'zine launch


We're having the launch of the second issue of re:Active magazine "Cure(s)" on the 24th of June in Los Angeles from 6-9pm. It will be at the Echo Park Film Center @ 1200 N. Alvarado St. @ Sunset. Come down and get a magazine and support youth arts programs. I'll be in town for that, It would be nice to see y'all.


Friday, June 09, 2006

the firebugs are here


I've managed to capture on film the elusive prairie firebug. Actually, they're all over the place. We went for a walk with the dog and were surrounded by them. everywhere. it looks like thousands of tiny paparazzi taking pictures just as twilight hits.

They're hard to get a picture of as you can see. I had to ruin the picture to get to see them because of the light.

Wendy is almost exactly two months from giving birth to Violet. She's getting pretty big in there and is developing a good right hook and some other kung-fu style moves.
