the Kansas - Oregon trail

we're not in los angeles anymore...

My Photo
Location: Portland, OR, United States

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

first Christmas


This is our daughter in her new hat (from Paul and Taryn). It's a little big, but it makes us laugh and she seems to like it.

We spent the evening over at the Cottin's home enjoying Lasagna and such. Violet was held by everyone almost. Merry first Christmas little ladybug.


Thursday, December 21, 2006

100th post just in time for christmas


Happy holidays to everyone. This is the one hundredth time I have put pictures and silly words up. Thanks for looking at them. It's been a long year. Lots of great things have happened and it's nice to share it with you.

Surprise! She is the best of the great things that happened.

Have a great Christmas, let us know that you like the pictures. I mean, all the cash that you are sending is great, but it really runs on encouragement, mostly. Have a good new year.


Sunday, December 17, 2006

catfish shak & standing time


El Dorado, Kansas - the Catfish shak.

this is the bed and breakfast I stayed in on press with the American Ballet Theatre book in Parsons.

Too bad I was only in there to sleep.

Violet is now standing up all the time - with our help, of course and she is a little wobbly... but determined.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

no war on christmas here


Sandy, Wendy's sister, heard that we weren't going to have a tree this year and sent one through a local farm. It is beautiful. Thank you, ma'am.


Friday, December 08, 2006

god guns and guts, my mistake


I took a trip down to SE Kansas, almost to Oklahoma yesterday to go on press with a small book for work. It really snowed down here last week. I loved the drive and got to go through a small part of the flint hills on the way back.

I found what I had been looking for... I believe that they got it wrong, though. I believe the phrase is :God, Guts and Guns, made America free... I'll fight to keep all three". I have proof that it was real, at least.

...and not just my own strange dreams.


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

winter is here, politely


we had our first real snow/ice fall last week. I woke up and felt like a kid. So good to not grow up in some ways.

I guess that in a few years I could get bored of it and driving on ice is no fun, but for now...

especially at night in the full moon, the place looks amazing.

we went to the KU basketball game against USC. Our friends gave us the tix and babysat for violet to give us a little break. It's a very caucasian experience to see a college ball game in the midwest. I feel like a tourist in some other country that I don't understand the customs. Very polite, in a cable-knit sweater and holiday fruitcake kinda way.


Friday, December 01, 2006



Violet's little friend (or arranged friend at this point) loves being around her. They had a conversation of sorts that was very interesting.

wife, friend, lover, doctor, co-conspirator and mother to our new daughter. i love you.
