the Kansas - Oregon trail

we're not in los angeles anymore...

My Photo
Location: Portland, OR, United States

Thursday, September 21, 2006

just back from outer space


Houston, we are cleared for re-entry. This is Violet as our first intergalactic spaceperson. Unit V. I just heard the preview for a movie titled "Ultraviolet" about a woman named Violet, in what seems like a futuristic "la femme nikita". They obviously got the casting all wrong.

this is the new way we roll on earth with Mommy.


Sunday, September 17, 2006

laundry time with violet


violet has been a lot of help around the house. she's pulling her weight by holding down the folded clothes.

she's very curious.

...and handy to have around. here she is as lieutenant jelly bean showing off her kung fu moves that she used (only when the embargo failed mind you) to solve the cotton candy caper.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

morning sunshine


I might throw a fit...

yes, it is a tough life sometimes.

all better now...

This is one of my new dresses from my Great Aunt and Uncle Kate and Tony in England. We've received so many wonderful gifts from around the world.

I am four weeks old today. I weigh 8 .lbs 7 ounces.


Saturday, September 09, 2006

let's go for a ride back in time


taking the little bug on a drive to calm her jangled nerves, I traveled through a great little town named Baldwin City. Americana all the way. Little picket fences, white as it gets, apple-pie afternoons with pleasant folks, puritanical hold on the past, holding on. Circle the wagons.

This is the old train station. I should have taken another picture. I don't think I captured it well enough. I can almost see a Jim Thompson type, travelling, grifter bending someone's ear about how things just aren't the same around here while he's pocketing their watch and the ladies wave goodbye to their men going to the good war...

I enjoyed the seedier side as well... the rust and faded promise as people moved west. The cart above was on a road that is said to be part of the Santa Fe Trail. I don't know that it was from then exactly, but...

what would a post be without a few pictures of ms. violet?


Thursday, September 07, 2006

grandma's gone


it's just us. a little tired and beat up from the first few weeks but doing fairly well. 21 days old yesterday. wish us luck.

we will miss her unrelenting positive nature and guidance. i suppose we'll draw on the force from here on out. grandma E is next on the visit list in 3 weeks.


Monday, September 04, 2006

commander salamander


this is commander salamander on the changing station. being very good and productive - i might add. tough work catching bunny burglars and the like. see what lack of sleep does?

some photos of the baby room. not completely finished. it needs the mural still. in our spare time, i guess.


Saturday, September 02, 2006

prairie flower


these are sunflowers from the side of the road. they are coming out in full force. it is the sunflower state. we decided that violet is the new state flower. no one else know yet.

thus far i have shown angelic portraits of moments sublime. now for the other side. this is a particularly good series in one. yawning and screaming. we think alike sometimes. it was one of those weeks. first week back at work and it was hard.

this is where i work. has anyone seen office space? what we do to survive sometimes is amazing. can people really be expected to work, let alone be creative in this? i've survived being jumped by eight guys and pummeled. guns to my head. i've survived the depths of hell and insanity in addiction and i honestly don't know if i'll make it through this corporate culture sometimes. it's unbelievable.

hard to top coming home to this, though. wendy is doing well besides the lack of sleep.
