White Christmas
Okay daddy, I'm sitting still (sort of). In my beautiful new "little red riding hood" coat and dress sent to me by my auntie Margaret.
Did you say you wanted to open presents as well? I know I heard that.
...because I can't sit still when there's presents for me over there. C'mon!
Finally! Geez, Dad.
What do we have here?
I think I see something (notice they are backwards).
A little tea-time with Granny and my new baby doll.
Popop is kicking down some Grandpa k-nowledge for me.
When Violet went down for a nap. The big kids took Ruca for a walk down to the park and did some plastic bag sliding on the snowhills.
Wendy and Ruca making the hike back up the hill.
Sandy catching some air on the jump.
When I woke up, I directed the gang on what I needed from them on the big heist. Two of them to create a diversion, a capable driver and a couple of people with guts to go in the front door and make the loot with me. They'll never notice us in these hats.
All plans are going according to schedule. Happy Holidays!